5 6 7 0 /5 6 7 1
tel 0870 207 4831 | email mail@redmonkeycoffee.com
If the three adjustment positions do not precisely match your personal taste you
can also grind your coffee by choosing any intermediate position.
- Avoid contacting moving parts.
- Never unplug from the outlet when your hands are wet or by pulling the
power cord.
If t h e a p p lia n ce h a s b e e n fille d w it h co ffe e b e a n s, t h e g rin d in g co n t ro l
m u st o n ly b e o p e ra t e d w h e n t h e m o t o r is ru n n in g .
- Never carry or pull the appliance by the power cord.
- Do not pull or jam the power cord against sharp edges, do not leave it hanging,
do not run or hang it over hot objects, including the stove or a bare flame.
Protect the power cord against heat or oil.
- Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter.
- Only use an extension cord if you are sure that it is in perfect condition.
- The BODUM® coffee grinder is preset to position
(medium grinding).
- On ly a d ju st t h e g rin d in g co n t ro l w h ile t h e m o t o r is ru n n in g .
- Always keep the lid (fig.1) of the bean container tightly shut in order to
enjoy the full taste and aroma of your coffee beans. Never grind more coffee
than you actually need.
Do n o t sw it ch t h e a p p lia n ce o n (immediately unplug from outlet) if:
- the appliance housing or power cord is damaged.
- a defect is suspected after dropping or damaging.
- the parts used are not the original parts.
In this case the appliance must be sent for repair to BODUM® or your specialist
The BODUM® coffee grinder is equipped with a time/quantity control (fig.7).
- Electrical appliances must only be repaired by skilled persons.
- Inadequate repair can create significant hazards to users and is not covered
by the guarantee.
- Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug or after the
appliance malfunctions, or is dropped or damaged in any manner. Return
appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair or
electrical or mechanical adjustment.
- BODUM® ca n n o t a cce p t a n y lia b ilit y fo r d a m a g e if t h e a p p lia n ce is
m isu se d , in co rre ct ly o p e ra t e d o r in a d e q u a t e ly re p a ire d . Un d e r t h e se
circum stances the guarantee w ill be void.
- The use of attachments not recommended or sold by the manufacturer may
cause fire, electric shock or injury.
Use it to set the coffee grinder to the desired grinding time and quantity. The
appliance switches off automatically once the preset time has elapsed. If you
want to interrupt grinding before the preset time has elapsed, simply turn the
rotary knob back to the left until the appliance switches off.
- Place the appliance on a flat firm surface. Ensure that it cannot fall into water
and that no water can splash onto electrical parts.
- Never place the appliance close to or in contact with liquids or steam.
- Only clean the appliance when dry using a brush or a damp cloth.
The quantity of ground coffee you need to make your coffee depends on the
type of bean, the degree of grinding and your personal taste.
Wa rn in g : In o rd e r t o p re ve n t t h e m o t o r fro m o ve rh e a t in g , d o n o t g rin d
m o re t h a n 2 co m p le t e u n it s (2 x12 cu p s) in su cce ssio n . Aft e r w a it 10 Min .
t o le t t h e m o t o r co o l d o w n b e fo r re st a rt .
Wa rn in g : It is e sse n t ia l t o d isco n n e ct t h e m a in s p lu g b e fo re cle a n in g .
Aft e r e a ch g rin d e d u n it (12 cu p s), e m p t y t h e co ffe e co n t a in e r.
Th is p re ve n t s t h e m o t o r o ve rh e a t in g .
Place the appliance on a level surface. Unreel the required length of cord.
It is im p o rt a n t t o ke e p t h e co rd sh o rt . Insert the cord into the power cord
inlet provided so that it is clamped and insert the plug into the socket outlet.
Pack the excess cord length in the cord-tidy (fig.10). Open the lid (fig.11) of
the bean container, fill the bean container with the desired quantity of coffee
beans (250g max.) (fig.12) and close the lid (fig.13). The appliance is then ready
to operate.
Given the huge quantities of coffee that are packed every day, very small stones
may accidentally find their way into even the finest coffee beans. The appliance
is equipped with a stone safety cut-out - or ”friction clutch”- in order to prevent
damage to the grinding gear. A stone in the grinding gear will cause a loud
rattling noise. Switch the appliance off immediately, remove plug from wall outlet,
open it as described in the section entitled "Maintenance" and remove the stone.
The main adjustment positions stated on the control for the degree of grinding
are normally sufficient. The degree of grinding can be adjusted by twisting the
bean container (fig 14).
Cleaning the grinding gear
Disconnect the mains plug from the socket outlet. Remove any remaining beans
in the bean container (fig.15) and take the latter off by twisting it in an anti-
clockwise direction as far as the release area stop (fig.16). Lift the bean hopper
from the housing (fig.17). The grinding ring can then be lifted out of the
= fine grinding (e.g. for espresso coffee machines)
= medium grinding (e.g. for filter coffee machines)
= coarse grinding (e.g. for BODUM® French Press® coffee maker)
A soft-bristle brush is ideal for cleaning the grinding gear. Reassemble the
machine by performing the above operation in reverse order. Housing and
transparent parts can be cleaned easily using a damp cloth.
- BODUM® electrical appliances comply with accepted engineering codes of
practice and the Law on Safety of Appliances (EEC Directive 73/23). They have
been tested by the SEV and UL.
- This appliance is radio-interference-suppressed in accordance with
EC Directive 37/308/EEC.
- The packaging material can be disposed of without harming the environment.
For US Customers only
Th is a p p lia n ce h a s a p o la rize d p lu g (o n e b la d e is w id e r t h a n t h e o t h e r).
To reduce the risk of electric shock, this plug will fit in a polarized outlet only
one way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still
does not fit, contact a qualified electrician. Do not modify the plug in any way.
For UK Customers only
Fo r a p p lia n ce s su p p lie d w it h fit t e d p lu g . If the socket outlets in your home
are not suitable for the plug supplied with your BODUM® appliance, it should
be removed and appropriate plug fitted.
No t e : Once plug has been cut from mains lead, dispose of immediately as a
bare flexible cord on an attached plug is dangerous if placed into a live socket.
Im p o rt a n t : If your electric coffee grinder is fitted with a non-rewirable plug
please refer to the following section.
Fit t in g a p lu g .
tel 0870 207 4831 | email mail@redmonkeycoffee.com
Im p o rt a n t : The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accordance with the
following code:
As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this appliance may not
correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug.
Proceed as follows.
The wire which is coloured blue must be connected to the terminal which is
marked with the letter N or coloured black. The wire which is coloured brown
must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured
red. If a 13 Amp (BSI 1363) plug is used a 3 Amp fuse must be fitted, or if any
other type of plug is used a 5 Amp fuse must be fitted either in the plug or
adaptor or at the distribution board.
Before connecting to the mains, check that the supply voltage is the same as
that shown on the base of the electric coffee grinder. If you are in any doubt,
consult a competent electrician or BODUM®.
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